The Center of Electronic Microscopy (CME) is an institution attached to the Academic Vice-Rector of the Universidad de Los Andes, dedicated to scientific and multidisciplinary research. The Center develops its own programs of scientific and academic training at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. It contributes to the programs of other national and international institutions dedicated to scientific research and the training of human capital in the scientific fields of its competence. The CME makes up an institutional model pertinent to the ULA and all of the country. The conception of scientific work and the model of academic training that characterizes the CME is based on the philosophy in which the scientist should "know to think", "know to make" and "know to act" and for this "know the known". In this sense, in the CME, the researcher has the opportunity to gain an amplified, holistic vision of science, which spans from knowing the distinct aspects which characterize the history of the philosophy of science to the mastery of the intricate world of electronic microscopy. The CME equips the researcher in an integrated manner, functioning as a "multiplying center of knowledge".