Applications and cyberinfrastructure research.
Aplicaciones y investigación de cyberinfrastructure.
(Katz, Daniel S.)

This talk will discuss some of the efforts being made in Louisiana to improve the states economy by building up its cyberinfrastructure. It will do this in the context of applications, including those that now exist, and those that are being developed. The cyberinfrastructure enables the applications, and the applications provide requirements for the cyberinfrastructure.

Ponencia publicada en: Memorias del Congreso Latinoamericano de Computación de Alto Rendimiento (CLCAR) Santa Marta, Colombia 13 al 18 de agosto 2007. J.C. Jaime y G. Díaz (editores), Publicaciones Univ. Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia (2007).