Noticias y Eventos
Título: International Astronomical Union Symposium 247 Waves & oscillations in the solar atmosphere: Heating and magneto-seismology
Fecha: Margarita, 17 al 22 de septiembre de 2007
URL: Ir a http://www.iaus247.org


International Astronomical Union Symposium 247 Waves & oscillations in the solar atmosphere: Heating and magneto-seismology

The goal of this symposium is to gather together specialists observationally studying solar and stellar lower atmospheric and coronal phenomena in the (E)UV, radio, visible light and X-ray bands and the theorists developing modelling (both analytical and numerical) of (magneto)hydrodynamic (MHD) waves and oscillations in structured media, lower atmospheric and coronal heating and atmospheric magneto-seismology to discuss the current trends of the research in the field both in the context of solar and stellar physics. The emphasis is on wave and oscillation observations in different observational bands, consolidation of the theory and the observational findings, observations with new and future solar mission, RHESSI, Solar B, STEREO and SDO.


Specialists observationally studying solar and stellar lower atmospheric and coronal phenomena


IAU (International Astronomical Union)Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela
University of Sheffield, UK


-Waves and oscillations in solar and stellar interior (dynamo waves)
-The coupling of global solar and stellar motions into the lower atmosphere
-Seismology of the lower solar atmosphere (e.g. small-scale fields)
-Seismology of open vs. closed magnetic structures
-Prominence oscillations
-Dynamical processes and coupling in the magnetic atmosphere of stars
-Global solar and stellar atmospheric/coronal seismology
-Fundamental physical processes in coronae: waves, turbulence, reconnection
-Waves and instabilities in atmospheric plasmas
-Wave-particle interactions in magnetized plasmas



Comité Organizador:

Ballester, Jose Luis, Universitat des Illes Ballears, Spain
Benz, Arnold, Institute of Astronomy, Switzerland
Cally, Paul, Monash University, Australia
De Pontieu, Bart, LMSAL, USA
Erdélyi, Robertus (Chair of SOC), Univ. of Sheffield, UK
Hasan, Siraj, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India
Mandrini, Christina, Instituto de Astronomía y Fisica del Espacio, Argentina
Mariska, John, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Mendoza-Briceño, César A. (Co-Chair of SOC), Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela
Mathioudakis, Mihalis , Queens University Belfast, N. Ireland
Reale, Fabio, University di Palermo, Italy
Rutten, Rob, Sterrekundig Instituut Utrecht, The Nederlands
Sakurai, Takashi, National Astronomical Observatory, Japan
Schmieder, Brigitte, Observatoire de Meudon, France
Stepanov, Alexander, Pulkovo Observatory, Russia
Wang, Jingxiu, National Astronomical Observatories, China
Añez, Neyda, Universidad del Zulia
Ibañez, Miguel, Universidad de los Andes
Kéray, Marianna (Secretary to IAUS 247), Sheffield, UK
Mendoza-Briceño, César A. (Chair of LOC), Universidad de los Andes
Parravano, Antonio, Universidad de los Andes
Sigalotti, Leonardo Di., Ins. Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas

Lugar y Fecha:

Fecha de Realización:
17 de septiembre de 2007 al 22 de septiembre de 2007

Sunday 16 September

14.00 - 18.00 Registration

19.00 Welcome Reception

Monday 17 September

- Opening Lecture
- Waves and oscillations in solar and stellar interior (dynamo waves, solar activity)
- Coupling of global solar and stellar motions into the lower atmosphere

Tuesday 18 September

- Seismology of the lower solar atmosphere and stellar chromospheres (small-scale fields)
- Seismology of open vs. closed magnetic structures

Wednesday 19 September

- Prominence seismology
- Excursion

Thursday 20 September

- Dynamical processes and coupling in the magnetic atmosphere of stars
- Poster session (early afternoon) followed by free time

Friday 21 September

- Global solar and stellar atmospheric/coronal seismology
- Fundamental physical processes in coronae: waves, turbulence, reconnection
- Conference Banquet

Saturday 22 September

- Waves and instabilities in atmospheric plasmas
- Wave-particle interactions in magnetized plasmas
- Conference Summary

Hotel Hesperia, Isla de Margarita, Nueva Esparta

Información e Inscripciones:

31 May 2006 First Announcement
30 September 2006: Pre-registration deadline
15 March 2007: Second Announcement with Preliminary Scientific Programme
15 April 2007: Early-Bird Registration
15 April 2007: Deadline for Travel Grant Application
30 April 2007: Notification of Travel Grant Applicants
04 May 2007: Abstract submission deadline (extended by 3 weeks)
14 May 2007: Notification of Abstract acceptance status (extended by 2 weeks)
30 June 2007: Registration deadline
30 June 2007: Hotel reservation deadline
15 July 2007: Final Announcement with Scientific Programme
17 - 22 September 2007: IAUS 247
31 October 2007: Submission of Papers to CUP

250 USD

Información de Contacto:

Cesar A. Mendoza-Briceno

Información Adicional:

Language of the event: English

Mas información...

Facultad: Palabras: Facultad de Ciencias. Facultad de Ciencias.
Categoría Geográfica: Palabras: Margarita Margarita
Categoría Temática: Palabras: Matemáticas Matemáticas
País: Palabras: Venezuela Venezuela
Descriptor Temático: Palabras: Distribuciones autogravitantes Distribuciones autogravitantes , Palabras: Solar Physics Solar Physics , Palabras: Eventos Eventos
Tipo de Evento: Palabras: Congreso Internacional Congreso Internacional


*Back-end Alejandría BE *