Noticias y Eventos
Título: Charla: "Un Modelo de Simulación del Lago de Maracaibo"
Fecha: Mérida, Viernes 3 de Mayo de 2002


Un Modelo de Simulación del Lago de Maracaibo

El Prof. José Castillo es coordinador del postgrado en matemática aplicada en San Diego y un asiduo colaborador de nuestra Universidad. Ha accedido a compartir su experiencia en modelado y simulación del lago de Maracaibo. La charla será en español pero se muestra el resumen en inglés:


To simulate and accurately represent the three dimensional physical, chemical, and biological dynamics in Lake Maracaibo with high resolution through numerical modeling.


Largest lake of South America, c.5,100 sq mi (13,210 sq km), NW Venezuela, extending c.110 mi (180 km) inland. A strait, 34 mi (55 km) long, connects it with the Gulf of Venezuela. Discovered in 1499 by the Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda, the lake lies in the extremely hot, humid, and disease-ridden lowlands of the Maracaibo basin, a region that, almost enclosed by mountains, is semiarid in the north but has an average annual rainfall of 50 in. (127 cm) in the south. Much of the indigenous population lives in thatched huts built on stilts over the brackish water. Although the fertile soil produces sugarcane, cacao, and a wealth of tropical hardwoods, absentee exploitation, unhealthful living, and scarcity of labor have left the area undeveloped agriculturally. Some livestock is raised. By far the most vital activity is production of petroleum. Developed since 1918 by foreign concerns, the region is one of the greatest oil-producing areas in the world.
Lake Maracaibo, with the Catatumbo River, its chief tributary, is a major artery of communication for products of the adjacent region and those of the Colombian-Venezuelan highlands. A dredged channel gives oceangoing vessels access to the lake. Cabimas and the port of Maracaibo are the principal cities on the lake. Gen. Rafael Urdaneta Bridge (c.5 mi/8 km long; completed 1962), spanning the lake`s outlet, is one of the longest bridges in the world.


Prof. José Castillo (San Diego State University)

Lugar y Fecha:

Fecha de Realización:
03 de Mayo de 2002

Viernes a las 4:00 pm.

Laboratorio de computación LABCAMV, tercer piso, Edif. B.
Facultad de Ingeniería
La Hechicera.

Información de Contacto:

Jacinto Dávila

Facultad: Palabras: Facultad de Ingeniería Facultad de Ingeniería
Categoría Temática: Palabras: Ingeniería Ingeniería
País: Palabras: Venezuela Venezuela
Descriptor Temático: Palabras: Eventos Eventos , Palabras: Simulación Simulación
Tipo de Evento: Palabras: Charla Charla , Palabras: Seminario. Seminario.


*Back-end Alejandría BE *