Revista Cayapa

  1. Submissions shall cover topics on cooperative, social or public economy.
  2. They shall rely on data from unpublished research or shed some light on elements capable of enriching the research or the practice.
  3. Articles shall not exceed 30 pages, on double spacing and letter size (40,000 characters with spaces).
  4. The cover of the articles shall contain: a) title, b) name of the author(s), c) abstract in spanish and in english, with a maximum length of 15 lines, d) 3 to 5 keywords in spanish and in english, e) a brief resume of the author(s), with their institutional and mailing address.
  5. These are also accepted: a) summaries of recent publications on cooperative, social or public economy. b) other short texts: events announcements or summaries, ongoing research projects, etc.
  6. Quotes should be in the text, indicating in parenthesis the name of the author, followed by a comma, year of publication, and in the case of textual quotations, a colon with the quoted page number; e.g. ( Touraine , 1997:14).
  7. Place footnotes at page bottom.
  8. The bibliography, which should be located at the end of the text, must contain all the references mentioned within the text, and limit itself to the sources quoted in the paper. It shall be presented in alphabetical order, and chronologically if there are several works by the same author; if an author has more than one publication in the same year, they shall be ordered literally (e.g. 1998a and 1998b). Each reference shall be presented in the following order: author's last name, name, publication year in parenthesis, book title, publisher and printing location. Books and magazines titles shall be written in italics, but article titles and book chapters shall be written between quotation marks.

    Kaplan de Drimer, Alicia y Bernardo Drimer (1987), Las cooperativas escolares. Tercera edición revisada y actualizada. Intercoop Editora Cooperativa Ltda., Buenos Aires.

    Morris, Susana (2000), "Defining the Third Sector: Some Lessons from History", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, vol. 11, no 1: 25-43.

    Internet sources, besides indicating author and title of the text, shall also indicate website and date of consultation.
  9. The presentation of boxes and graphics should be limited to those necessary for the understanding of the text. They shall be presented in separate sheets, and the place of insertion in the text must be indicated.
  10. Texts are submitted for revision by external readers, following the requirements of the sponsors of the scientific journals.

Texts may be sent to the following e-mails: ; ;

Traducción: Marianela Díaz (


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Cayapa. Revista Venezolana de Economía Social
Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Sustentable (CIDIS)
Universidad de Los Andes - Venezuela

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