Now showing items 86-105 of 144

    • Massive gauge axion fields 

      Khoudeir, Adel; Arias, Pío José (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Massive gauge axion fields (Khoudeir, Adel; Arias, Pío José) Abstract A gauge invariant formulation for the massive axion is considered. The axion acquires mass through a topological term which couples a (pseudo)scalar ...
    • Massive triadic Chern-Simons spin-3 theory 

      Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Massive triadic Chern-Simons spin-3 theory (Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos) Abstract We introduce the massive gauge invariant, second order pure spin-3 theory in three dimensions. It consists of the addition of ...
    • Massive vector Chern-Simons gravity 

      Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos; Arias, Pío José (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Massive vector Chern-Simons gravity (Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos; Pío José, Arias) Abstract We present a second order gravity action which consists of ordinary Einstein action augmented by a first-order, ...
    • Matter collineations: The inverse "symmetry inheritance" problem. 

      Carot, Jaume; da Costa, J.; Vaz, E. G. L. R. (SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
    • Minimal supersymmetric left-right model 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Senjanovic, Goran (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Minimal supersymmetric left-right model (Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract We construct the truly minimal left-right symmetric model by utilizing only the fields dictated by ...
    • New BPS domain wall solutions. 

      Pantoja, Nelson; Ramírez, Alba (SABER ULA, 2007-03-28)
      New BPS domain wall solutions. (Pantoja, Nelson y Ramírez, Alba) Abstract Smooth solutions of gravity-scalar field models which represents BPS domain wall spacetimes with a well defined thin wall limit are obtained ...
    • Newton y el universo físico 

      Rago, Héctor; Herrera Cometta, Luis (SABER ULA, 2003-07-15)
      Newton y el universo físico (Rago, Héctor; Herrera Cometta, Luis) Resumen Este documento es el primero de cuatro capítulos del libro "Newton", libro que recopila igual número de conferencias que como homenaje al ...
    • Non-abelian antisymmetric-vector coupling from self-interaction 

      Khoudeir, Adel (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Non-abelian antisymmetric-vector coupling from self-interaction (Khoudeir, Adel) Abstract A non-abelian coupling between antisymmetric fields and Yang-Mills fields proposed by Freedman and Townsend several years ...
    • Non-abelian self-duality from self-interaction 

      Khoudeir, Adel (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Non-abelian self-duality from self-interaction (Khoudeir, Adel) Abstract The non-abelian self-dual action in three dimensions is derived using the self-interaction mechanism.
    • Nonlocal equation of state in anisotropic static fluid spheres in general relativity 

      Núñez, Luis; Hernández G., Héctor (SABER ULA, 2006-01-26)
      Nonlocal equation of state in anisotropic static fluid spheres in general relativity (Núñez, Luis; Hernández, Hector) Abstract We show that it is possible to obtain credible static anisotropic spherically symmetric ...
    • Nonlocal equation of state in general relativistic radiating spheres 

      Núñez, Luis; Percoco, Umberto; Hernández G., Héctor (SABER ULA, 2006-01-26)
      Nonlocal equation of state in general relativistic radiating spheres (Núñez, Luis; Hernández, Hector; Percoco, Umberto) Abstract We show that under particular circumstances a general relativistic spherically symmetric ...
    • Nonrestoration of spontaneously broken P, CP and PQ at high temperature 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Senjanovic, Goran; Dvali, Gia (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Nonrestoration of spontaneously broken P, CP and PQ at high temperature (Melfo, Alejandra; Dvali, Gia; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract The possibility of P and CP violation at high temperature in models where these ...
    • Nosotros, el universo y los principios de la física 

      Rago, Héctor (SABER ULA, 2003-07-14)
    • On duality in the born-infeld theory 

      Khoudeir, Adel; Parra, Yoan (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      On duality in the born-infeld theory (Khoudeir, Adel; Parra, Yoan) Abstract The SL(2,R) duality symmetric action for the Born-Infeld theory in terms of two potentials, coupled with non-trivial backgroud fields in ...
    • On supersymmetry at high temperature 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Senjanovic, Goran; Bajc, Borut (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      On supersymmetry at high temperature (Melfo, Alejandra; Bajc, Borut; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract While it is possible to find examples of field theories with a spontaneously broken symmetry at high temperature, in ...
    • On the collineations of distribution-valued Ricci tensor fields of domain wall spacetimes. 

      Pantoja, Nelson; Sanoja, Alberto (SABER ULA, 2007-03-27)
      On the collineations of distribution-valued Ricci tensor fields of domain wall spacetimes. (Pantoja, Nelson y Sanoja, Alberto) Abstract Generalizing the Lie derivative to distribution-valued tensors, we examine the ...
    • On the definition of cylindrical symmetry 

      Carot, Jaume; Senovilla, José M. M.; Vera, Raül (SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
      On the definition of cylindrical symmetry (Carot, Jaume; Senovilla, José M. M.; Vera, Raül) Abstract The standard definition of cylindrical symmetry in general relativity is reviewed. Taking the view that axial ...
    • On the eccentricity behaviour of radiating slowly rotating bodies in general relativity 

      Núñez, Luis; Herrera Cometta, Luis; Percoco, Umberto; Hernández G., Héctor (SABER ULA, 2006-01-26)
      On the eccentricity behaviour of radiating slowly rotating bodies (Núñez, Luis; Hernández, Hector; Herrera, Luis; Percoco, Umberto) Abstract We study different models of radiating slowly rotating bodies up to the ...
    • On the geometry of warped spacetimes 

      Carot, Jaume; da Costa, J. (SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
      On the geometry of warped spacetimes (Carot, Jaume; da Costa, J.) Abstract An invariant characterization of warped spacetimes is given and a classification scheme for them is proposed. Some results on the curvature ...
    • On the spontaneous break down of massive gravities in 2+1 dimensions 

      Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos; Arias, Pío José (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      On the spontaneous break down of massive gravities in 2+1 dimensions (Khoudeir, Adel; Aragone, Carlos; Pío José, Arias) Abstract We show that locally Lorentz invariant, third order, topological massive gravity can ...