Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Intermediate scales in supersymmetric GUTs: 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Rasin, Andrija; Senjanovic, Goran; Bajc, Borut (SABER ULA, 2003-12-05)
      Intermediate scales in supersymmetric GUTs: The survival of the fittest (Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Bajc, Borut; Rasin, Andrija; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract We show that intermediate scales in ...
    • On supersymmetry at high temperature 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Senjanovic, Goran; Bajc, Borut (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      On supersymmetry at high temperature (Melfo, Alejandra; Bajc, Borut; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract While it is possible to find examples of field theories with a spontaneously broken symmetry at high temperature, in ...
    • SO(10) theory of R-parity and neutrino mass 

      Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Rasin, Andrija; Senjanovic, Goran; Bajc, Borut (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      SO(10) theory of R-parity and neutrino mass (Melfo, Alejandra; Aulakh, Charanjit S.; Bajc, Borut; Rasin, Andrija; Senjanovic, Goran) Abstract We study the Higgs sector of a SO(10) grand unified theory which predicts ...