Begin  The Authors

Tropical Diseases:

I Leishmaniasis
II Paracoccidioidomycosis
III Blastomycocis
IV Chromoblastomycosis
V Lepra
VI Sporotrichosis
VII Histoplasmosis
VIII Rhinosporidiosis
IX Mycetomas
X Rhinoscleroma
XI Chagasdisease
XII Actinomycosis
XIII Mucormycosis
XIV Amoebiasis
XV Protothecosis
XVI Lobomycosis
XVII Phaeohyphomycosis
XVIII Pruritus actinicus
XIX Bite of snake
XX Coccidioidomycosis

 List of cases


IX. Mycetomas

Case 57: Actinomycetoma / Melanoma

Previus Case 56

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Click here to see the picture 57-A1

On the plantar surface of the patients foot of this case developed a roundish, poorly limited tumor of a diameter of several cms. Here it may be noted that the three types of mycetomas (eumycetomas, schizomycetomas and actinomycetomas) macroscopically can not be differentiated, because all the three types have similar morphologic characteristics.

Click here to see the picture 57-B1

As in 57-A1 a tumor is present on the lateral posterior plantar surface. It is not sharply limited, but looks similar to the actinomycetoma.

Click here to see the picture 57-A2

In this case the grains are very irregular and present a pale blue colour in the HE stain. The germs of these grains are nocardiae. In addition, actinomycetes may be the causative agents situated in the grains. As mentioned earlier these germs earlier were classified as fungi, but today as bacteria.

Click here to see the picture 57-B2

Histologically an amelanotic melanoma is diagnosed.

Click here to see the picture 57-A3

With the Grocott method also these grains stain black. The picture is from the same slide as in the fig. 57-A2 and shows that several grains are present.

Click here to see the picture 57-A4

In the periphery of a large grain very small protrusions are visible on the surface representing the filamentous nocardiae.

Click here to see the picture 57-A5

A large grain of the same case is also stained with the Grocott method showing also minimal superficial protrusions of the germs.

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Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Los Andes
Merida - Venezuela