Begin  The Authors

Tropical Diseases:

I Leishmaniasis
II Paracoccidioidomycosis
III Blastomycocis
IV Chromoblastomycosis
V Lepra
VI Sporotrichosis
VII Histoplasmosis
VIII Rhinosporidiosis
IX Mycetomas
X Rhinoscleroma
XI Chagasdisease
XII Actinomycosis
XIII Mucormycosis
XIV Amoebiasis
XV Protothecosis
XVI Lobomycosis
XVII Phaeohyphomycosis
XVIII Pruritus actinicus
XIX Bite of snake
XX Coccidioidomycosis

 List of cases


II. Paracoccidioidomycosis

Case 20: Paracoccidioidomycosis / Melanoma

Previus Case 19

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Next Case 21



Click here to see the picture 20-A1

A merchant from Mérida / Venezuela noted a tumor-like, ulcerated skin lesion at his left plantar surface which had grown slowly during some months. The doctor who was consulted made a smear from the ulcer surface without staining it. The result will be shown in Fig. 20-A2.

Click here to see the picture 20-B1

A farmer living near the town of Mérida in Venezuela noted a slowly growing tumor-like swelling in the posterior parts of his left sole. The skin of this tumor was partly blackish and partly ulcerated.

Click here to see the picture 20-A2

In this smear a structure was found which resembled the steering wheel form of a budding Paracoccidioides brasiliensis cell, however, it could represent air bubbles.

Click here to see the picture 20-B2

Histology revealed a malignant tumor of this kind.

Click here to see the picture 20-A3

In the culture of the material taken from the ulcer surface did grow colonies of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.

Click here to see the picture 20-A4

The patient suddenly accused pain at his left lower extremity. In the x-ray examination of the fibula a localized defect was detected which represented a osteomyelitis caused by this fungus. This confirmed a marked haematogenous dissemination of P. brasiliensis.

Click here to see the picture 20-A5

In an enlarged axillary lymph node also was found a fungal infection with P. brasiliensis which had produced necrotic and caseating foci.

| español | english | deutsch |

Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Los Andes
Merida - Venezuela