Begin  The Authors

Tropical Diseases:

I Leishmaniasis
II Paracoccidioidomycosis
III Blastomycocis
IV Chromoblastomycosis
V Lepra
VI Sporotrichosis
VII Histoplasmosis
VIII Rhinosporidiosis
IX Mycetomas
X Rhinoscleroma
XI Chagasdisease
XII Actinomycosis
XIII Mucormycosis
XIV Amoebiasis
XV Protothecosis
XVI Lobomycosis
XVII Phaeohyphomycosis
XVIII Pruritus actinicus
XIX Bite of snake
XX Coccidioidomycosis

 List of cases


V. Lepra

Case 37: Lepromatous Lepra / Herpes zoster

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Next Case 38

Lepromatous Lepra

Herpes zoster

Click here to see the picture 37-A1
Lepromatous Lepra

A farmer from the State of Apure / Venezuela noted an eczema existing several weeks on his upper body and in his face. Furthermore, he had pains in his members. Especially on his forehead he had numerous spotlike and papulous partly confluent lesions which were extending to the scalp.

Click here to see the picture 37-B1
Herpes zoster

A salesman from Barinas / Venezuela showed on the right side of his forehead numerous vesicular lesions which transformed later in hemorrhagic and ulcerated foci. The patient had heavy pains, fever and felt weak and tired. His disease appeared after a long car drive five days ago.

Click here to see the picture 37-A2
Lepromatous Lepra

In the biopsy of the skin were found in the HE stain under the atrophic epidermis a small zone of collagenous connective tissue and a cell-rich granulation tissue with the presence of several foamy histiocytes. Nerves and epidermal appendages were not visible.

Click here to see the picture 37-B2
Herpes zoster

In the HE stain and under high power giant cells with red inclusion bodies could be detected in a blister.

Click here to see the picture 37-A3
Lepromatous Lepra

Under higher power and with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain numerous red coloured bacilli partly arranged in clusters are visible.

Click here to see the picture 37-A4
Lepromatous Lepra

The lepra bacilli also are Grocott positive and are seen here under high power.

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Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Los Andes
Merida - Venezuela